D.E.M.S - Details
Bachelor of Electropathy Medicine and Surgery is 4 - 1/2 years including 6 months Internship graduate programme.
As you know that there are four Medical Sciences in India which are Allopathy, Ayurved, Unani and Homoeopathy. These pathies are already recognized by the Government of India. Homoeopathy was recognized in India in the year 1973 since then this fifth New pathy Electropathy is being promoted developed and propagated by N.E.H.M. of India, New Delhi, with the efforts of this Central Board thousand of Doctors have been trained in this new medical science and are practicing in various states.
It was invented / founded by Dr. Count Ceaser Mattei in 1865. Dr. Mattei has great love of nature. He proved that man is the product of Nature and only a medical science based on the law of Nature can preserve and protect its creation.
D.E.M.S (Diploma in Electro-homoeopathy Medicine & Surgery)